Posted in Articles

Happy Birthday Scout!!!

My favorite person in the whole universe turns 11 today!  I’m so proud and honored to be your Mommy.  Happy Birthday!!!


Love, Kim and Scout

Posted in Articles

Scout’s First Dance!

Scout is so excited!  Her first school dance is Friday!  She wanted to share pictures of her outfit with you all.


The dress is from Hot Topic’s DC Comics formal collection.  Get your own here.  The shoes are from DSW.  The tiara is from Refreshing Designs.

Here are some close-ups of the dress design:

The skirt lining is blue with stars to really bring the Wonder Woman look home:


Here is up close of the sandals and tiara:

I can’t wait to take Scout to her first parent/child dance Friday.  We will be sure to post ALL the pictures later.

Until next time…

Love, Kim and Scout

Posted in Articles

Last recap of London

OK, now that we’ve driven you all crazy with our vacation photos, it is time for more!  This is the last post we promise.

Our trip of a lifetime wrapped up with a voyage on the London Eye, stopping by to hear Big Ben and a trip to Harrods.

The London Eye offers breathtaking views of the whole city.  It was a bit drizzly, like London can be, on New Year’s Eve, but we had a great time taking it all in.

We took in Harrods and tried on some ridiculously expensive fur h


Then I got to finally buy a real Harrods bag of my very own!  A lifelong dream of this fashion obsessed girl.

Then we stopped in Picadilly Circus to see the sights:

We wrapped up our trip by going to the Victoria and Albert Museum and stopping by Big Ben:

We had such an amazing time in London.  It was truly the trip of a lifetime.  Thank you for letting us share the experience with you.


Until next time…

Love, Kim and Scout

Posted in Articles, Fashion Alert

Lego Batman

OK, the kiddo and I went to see “The Lego Batman Movie” last week.  It has been a week, so this article will be full of spoilers, so if you have not seen the movie yet, you might want to tune out.

Here are some of our thoughts on the Lego Batman movie.

  • It is the best Batman movie I have ever seen.  No, really.
  • The voice-over work is phenomenal.
  • The lobsters.
  • The smoking jacket.
  • He never takes his cowl off!
  • Pew! Pew! Pew!
  • The whole plot is about the “relationship” between Batman and The Joker. Genius!
  • That is how I like my Harley Quinn.  A “girl buddy”.
  • RIP!
  • BATGIRL!!!

I also wanted to take this great Batman movie as an opportunity to show all of you that even though Hero Within is technically a menswear company, women can sport these jackets and look fashion-forward in them as well.

I’m a size 18/20.  I’m wearing an XL in the Light Peacoat and a 2XL in the Heavy Peacoat.  Both have the bat signal stitched on the back and the utility belt built into the coat.  Order one of your own here.

Until next time…

Love, Kim and Scout

Posted in Articles

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

With less than a week to go until Valentine’s Day, here are some groovy and fun gift ideas for the geeky valentine in your life.  These companies also give back to their communities, so you are spreading the love while giving a gift to your valentine.

Hero Within

Shop now and use code “ILoveMyHero” and get 20% off!  Hero Within also gives back by donating comic books to kids.  The light peacoat and blazers make a great gift for spring!



Elhoffer Design

Elhoffer Design offers sweaters as low as $50 and arm warmers at $25.  The knits are all super-soft.  The arm warmers give part of their profits to LGBTQ charities, so you are doing good while giving a great gift!


There is a sweater for every House!

Box Lunch

Box Lunch is another great site that gives back by feeding the hungry with part of their profits.  Box Lunch has a variety of gifts for men, women and geeky kiddos.


So, there are some great gift ideas for you.  Happy Shopping!

Until next time…

Love, Kim and Scout

Lead Image: Design Taxi

Hero Within Photos: Hero Within Inc.

Elhoffer Design Photos: Elhoffer Design and Le Geek So Chic and Manny Llanura Photos

Box Lunch Photos:

Posted in Articles, Videos

London Recap: Happy New Year!

For our next recap, I just wanted to share a video of us welcoming the new year (and telling 2016 to suck it!) from London.  The security was super-strict, so our only option was watching the fireworks from the hotel.  Since it was so cold, we were more than happy to do so!  Enjoy!

Until next time…

Love, Kim and Scout

Posted in Cons

Con Season Has Begun: Don’t Panic!

Looking at the calendar this morning, I realized that WonderCon is only two months away!  Wow!  That went by fast!  So, in preparation for con season, which is upon us, we thought we would share some cosplay tips and sources with you.

When we reviewed our cosplays that have not yet been worn at a con, we had eight, EIGHT, that we have prepped but not taken to a con yet.  You know you have a problem when…

We have some great stuff to share at WonderCon in Anaheim with you all!

Meantime, let your cosplay planning begin!

Cosplay Sky

Cosplay Sky is one of my favorite sites.  If you want to have a cosplay made for you and you don’t have a gazillion dollars, this site has what you want.  They custom make their pieces according to your measurements.

Another way to use this site is for reference pictures.  They show the costume pieces in great detail, so it will help you build your own cosplay without having to find the perfect still from a movie or tv show online.

I used pictures of their Wanda cosplay to put together my own Scarlet Witch, and this Cap cosplay looks great!

Black Leather Jacket

Speaking of my Scarlet Witch cosplay, I got my Wanda jacket from Black Leather Jacket and LOVE it!  They also make their pieces from your measurements, and I plan on ordering more from them in the near future.  A couple of friends of mine have also used this site and loved the results.  Here are some pics of my jacket in action:



Here it is for my Emma Swan cosplay:



Does your cosplay need basic black boots, generic jeans or an easy-to-find prop?  Then start with Amazon and save some money.  Get those basic pieces (for example, my Emma Swan cosplay needed a Sheriff’s star, got it on Amazon for about five bucks).  Spend your money on the screen accurate specific items that you need for the cosplay, like Wanda’s red jacket or Cap’s shield or Anakin’s lightsaber.  You can also see if they have specific costume items as well.  We got Scout’s Hawkeye bow and arrow set on Amazon for a new cosplay she’s doing at SDCC.  It even folds like his.  So, you never know.


Looking for something vintage?  Then Ebay might be able to help.  My Starlord Walkman for example.  Looks just like his and cost me 20 bucks on Ebay.


If you need something very specific and don’t want to buy an entire cosplay, then Etsy can usually help.  Back to my Wanda cosplay, the necklaces were the last thing I needed.  Got exact replicas on Etsy.


Shields are actually amazingly easy to come by.  They range in price from fairly inexpensive (around 99 bucks) to crazy expensive (close to 400 bucks), but good shields can be found at Cosplay Sky, Etsy and Toys R Us.  Skip the Halloween costume shields.  Those are about 35 bucks and are really flimsy and awful.  Pony up a little more for a good shield.  Make Cap proud!

Our Find It Here Guide

We update our Find It Here Guide all the time.  When we come across a great site for geek/nerd fashion or cosplay or well, anything geek related really; we will put that site up so you can enjoy it, too.  Always check back there for updates.

Until then, happy shopping!

Love, Kim and Scout